Revised October 2023
This Club shall be known as the Lake of the Pines Firebelles. (Any reference to the Club in the following will mean the Firebelles).
Section 1. The objectives of the Club are:
Section 2. This Club shall be operated exclusively for the purposes set forth in Section 1 of this Article, and no part of its net earnings shall be for the benefit of any of its members.
Section 1. Membership is open to all women who reside at Lake of the Pines and must be accompanied by the membership dues. Each member must abide by this Constitution and Bylaws, and all amendments thereto, and all rules and regulations of the Club.
Section 2. Dues are payable by the first meeting in September of each year in order to have member name appear in Firebelles directory. Only members in good standing are entitled to vote at the meetings.
Section 3. Dues may be changed provided the change is presented at a regular business meeting and accepted at the next regular business meeting by a vote of the majority of members in attendance. The proposed change shall be posted to the website for 28 days prior to the meeting. The change shall also be communicated to the membership by email or US mail, as appropriate.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the Club:
Section 2. Special meetings of the Firebelles may be held at the discretion of the Executive Board provided notice thereof is posted on the LOP electronic signboard at the Clubhouse, by email or by other communication, as appropriate, for at least seven days prior to the date of such meeting or by notification of members by the Telephone committee.
Section 3. The Club Fiscal Year is identified as July 1 through June 30.
Approved March 2024
Section 1. Officers of the Club shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Their duties shall be as follows:
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the five (5) officers plus the Parliamentarian. A requirement to hold office shall be at least one year of membership in the Firebelles. Only officers shall have voting rights. A quorum consists of three (3) officers.
Section 2. A meeting of the Executive Board shall be held prior to each regular meeting to discuss and outline the forthcoming events and policies to be presented at the regular meetings. Pertinent items from this meeting will be presented to the general membership.
Section 3. If an officer is absent from more than three (3) Executive Board meetings without approval, that office shall be declared vacant. The President shall, with the ratification of Executive Board, appoint a successor to complete the unexpired term.
Section 4. In the event of the resignation of any officer, or the termination of her membership, except for the President, her successor shall be appointed by the President and ratified by the Executive Board to fill out the unexpired term. If for any reason the President cannot complete her term, the First Vice President shall serve for the duration of the unexpired term.
Section 1. At the February meeting, the President shall appoint a committee of three (3) members to nominate candidates for the respective offices provided for in Section 3 of this Article. The Nominating Committee shall post at the Clubhouse the slate of officers prior to the end of April. It shall be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to obtain the acceptance of those nominated.
Section 2. Nominations may be made from the floor provided nominees have given their consent, and the nominees shall each have at least one year of membership in the Firebelles.
Section 3. On the third Thursday of May the members of the Club shall elect a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. New officers shall be installed and assume their duties at the close of the annual meeting in June.
Section 1. The Standing Committees and their duties shall be:
Section 2.
Section 1. The Special Committees responsible to the First Vice President shall be Table Decorations, Luncheon, Luncheon Reservations, Luncheon Hostesses.
Section 2. The Special Committees responsible to the Second Vice President shall be all fundraising activities.
Section 3. The Special Committees may be added/deleted at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of the Lake of the Pines Firebelles when not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Club.
Section 2. The regular order of business of the meeting shall be as follows:
Call to Order
Welcoming guests and new members
Minutes of last meeting(s)
Treasurer’s Report
President’s Report
First Vice President’s Report
Second Vice President’s Report
Standing Committee Reports
Other committee reports when pertinent
Unfinished business
New business
Section 3. The Executive Board may change any order of business it considers necessary for the benefit of the Club’s general membership meeting.
Section 1. Any and all amendments may be adopted at any business meeting by a majority vote of the members in attendance, provided notice is proposed at a regular business meeting and posted to the Firebelles website for 28 days prior to voting. The change shall be communicated to the membership by email or US mail, as appropriate. Voting on amendments shall become effective immediately on adoption of same, unless the motion to adopt specifies an elective date.
Section 1. Twenty percent (20) of the membership shall constitute a quorum for transacting business of the Club.
Section 1. All members of the Lake of the Pines Firebelles shall be respectful of each other and LOP employees, as pertains to the Lake of the Pines CC&Rs.
Approved June 2018
11665 Lakeshore North, Auburn CA 95602
To Join Firebelles or for Luncheon Reservations: Sharron Eastman at 530-278-3125 or
For Other Inquiries: Donna Cloud at 650-455-1429 or